If you have an emergency, a title loan can offer you quick money, even with a bad credit history. If you own a car, request a title loan and get cash the same day with the vehicle remaining in your possession.

What is a Title Loan?
Title loans are secured loans that allow the borrower to use the car title as collateral. The applicant can get a loan for a short period, up to 30 days. The loan amount is based on the car value, so a high-value vehicle allows you to apply for higher sums.
How do Title Loans work?
You can request a title loan online, from the comfort of your home with AAA Check Advance. Complete the application form with the required documents. You will have to provide a clear auto title, insurance information, a utility bill in your name to verify residence, driver license and a valid ID. AAA Check Advance might inspect your auto before approving the loan. If you meet all the requirements, we will offer you a loan amount depending on the value of your car.
Title Loans – Benefits
Our borrowers appreciate the speed and simplicity of the loan process. Applicants may receive cash on the same day, with no hard credit checks. Another clear benefit is the loan amount. A title loan allows you to borrow higher sums than through other lending services, like payday loans. Title loans are secured loans and imply some risks, as collateral seize. Therefore, consumers are advised to apply only for the loan amount they need and ensure that they can pay it back on time.